James Huffman's defense of Measure 37 in today's O is lame, even insulting in its attempt to trivialize the effects of M37 in Hood River as nothing more than NIMBYism:
"If every application is found meritorious and the remedy in every case is waiver of offending regulations, the impact will be barely evident to the average Oregonian -- except to those who live, work or play nearby."
"Except" to those who live nearby?
What are zoning laws for if not to protect people from the irresponsible acts of their neighbors? To protest the development sprawl enabled by M37 is not NIMBYism. It's standing up for one's rights as a property owner to insist that existing zoning and land use laws --existing, that is, before the passage of Measure 37-- be enforced.
Howard Dietrich, the wannabe developer of a Wal-Mart mega-store on the edge of Sellwood, has notified the city he plans to file a Measure 37 claim if he's denied the right to develop his property as he sees fit. I am among many that don't want a Wal-Mart store in my "backyard". In fact, I don't want a Wal-Mart store anywhere in Portland.
Is that NIMBYism? No. It's protecting the quality of life in a quiet pedestrian-friendly neighborhood from the traffic congestion that would certainly result from the siting of a Wal-Mart a mile from where I live. It's protecting my neighborhood hardware store. It's protecting any number of small businesses in the neighborhood from the depredations of Wal-Mart.
Huffman's op-ed piece is also misleading in claiming that's there no difference between Dorothy English, the poster "little old lady" for the M37 campaign, and the corporate landowner, Plum Creek Timber:
"But that is not the American way. Everyone is equal under the law. That means the benefits and burdens of the law are the same for the big guy as for the little guy. Measure 37 is about protecting the property interests of Oregonians -- all Oregonians."
Maybe so --legally. But I don't think it was the "will of the voters", as Huffman argues, to pass M37 to benefit "big timber". Had timber interests been front and center in the campaign, there's no way in hell that Measure 37 would have passed.