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January 28, 2007



We don't always agree on matters close to home, although even there I think we share agreememt on mre than it might sometimes appear, but I know we agree on a lot of national and foreign policy issues. I'm very afraid that we will be living with serious domestic and foreign policy consequences of the war in Iraq for decades.

I'm sorry to hear of your health challenges; your in my thoughts and prayers.

So sorry to hear about your struggle with cancer. I appreciate your conviction to speak your mind and do something good for the world despite your personal troubles.
I am forwarding this announcement about a new weekly peace march here in Portland to bolster your spirits. The young man who started the march is a friend. He gives me great hope.


I am a seventh grader who is very concerned about the war in Iraq. I am leading a Peace March every Sunday from 1:30 to about 2:30. We meet at the Sunnyside Environmental School (3421 SE Salmon Street in Portland) in the playground. We then march on Hawthorne and march back to the school. The first week there were three of us. Last week there were 17. Who knows how many there will be this Sunday.

Please join the Peace March. Everyone, especially kids, are welcome. Bring or make a sign if you can. If you miss this Sunday come the next week.

March for peace


Actually, David, after your declaration that neighborhood schools are "off limits" to focus options looking for new buildings, you seem to be back in the good graces of neighborhood school advocates, me included. And thank you for your expression of concern. I appreciate it.

Thank you too, Anne. As long as I can type, count on me to speak out on issues that trouble me.

I'm sorry to hear that the cancer has come back. Hang in there and post when you can.


My best wishes are with you in your battle with Big C.


Molly Ivins died today. Did you hear the story about how she used the awards she got for trivets at a dinner party she hosted?

"So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was."
Molly Ivins

I miss her already....

Terry, I am so sorry to learn of your illness. Keep fighting and thank you as always, for the eloquence of your blogging! Hope to join you on the barricades soon.

Another peace rally/vigil, to which all are welcome: Hillsdale stands for peace, every Friday from 5:30 to 6:00, corner of SW Sunset and SW Capitol Hwy (near entrance to Wilson HS). Tonight we were honored by the presence of the mom, grandma and little sister of a recent Wilson grad now serving in Iraq. The honking was nonstop. Next week we plan to have signs each with a name of a fallen OR soldier. But that means we need 49 people there to hold signs.


Cars and houses are quite expensive and not everyone is able to buy it. Nevertheless, loans are invented to help people in such kind of situations.

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