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March 29, 2007


Your headline should start with: It is tough to be a POOR kid.....

Public education springs from the Jeffersonian belief that most parents would see to the education of their children. Jefferson felt there would be a need for government to educate children whose parents could not or would not provide for their education. There was a later compromise for government to offer a Common School education to children of rich and poor alike side by side in the same classrooms.

The affluent in the US demanded separate and unequal schools in affluent, middle income and poor communities at government expense (along with racial segregation as well). The politicians and educators allowed the affluent to have their way to keep the support of the affluent at funding time.

That is why US students of affluence slightly lag foreign HS students of affluence while low income HS students in the US trail both their more affluent bretheren and low-income foreign students by wide margins in achievement.

Perhaps you're right, Howard, but the point of the post is that poverty is the issue, not the quality of instruction at our public schools.

I'm not sure that the second half of your concluding sentence is absolutely accurate. But even so, our poor kids are apparently more disadvantaged --and poorer-- than their foreign cohort.

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