You wouldn't expect such language from a man of the cloth, but Obamania affects people in strange and unaccountable ways:
"One time front-runner Hillary Clinton isn’t happy. She waged a desperate race-baiting campaign that flopped in South Carolina but her negative campaign of personal destruction hasn’t abated. As The New York Times reports, Clinton seems willing to do or say just about anything to get nominated."
Anything? Like hinting that Obama is a philanderer? A child molester? Hardly. Hillary merely accuses Obama of what others have said about him. He speaks in platitudes rather than specifics. That doesn't qualify, at least to my way of thinking, as a "campaign of personal destruction".
It's simply politics.
Get a grip, Chuck.
Hi Honey
The key is ALWAYS adequate funding. I love the way conservatives say "We can't just "throw" money at the problem!"
Terry, my school has gone K-8 (three years ago because of declining enrollment) and I love it. We have a "service learning" componant. 8th graders spend one period per day at a "job site" on campus. I'm lucky enough to have two remarkable middle school students helping me in my 1st/2nd grade classroom.
My middle school in Burlingame was hellish...It was the intermediate model...just 7th and 8th. AWFUL !
Love, Ingrid
Posted by: Ingrid Olson | February 23, 2008 at 01:41 PM