At this point it seems increasingly less likely, but say Hillary does manage to win the nomination. What then about all the mean-spirited things that Obama supporters have been saying about Hillary Clinton. Won't that come back to haunt them? And swing the Presidency once again to the Republicans, the party of war and xenophobia?
Case in point --this recent post on Blue Oregon. Here's a list of Hillary disparagements by both the author, fanatical Obama devotee T.A. Barnhart, and the many commenters on his piece.
From Barnhart:
- Hillary's campaign is "empty" (from the title of the post.)
- Hillary is "desperate".
- "Had Sasha Obama been found to have a skinned knee after playtime, they'd probably be on about what a rotten father he is."
- "But they are buying his [Obama's] message of getting past the ugliness of the past forty years — ugliness in which the Clintons played a major role... ."
- "...they [the Clintons] try to kneecap his greatest campaign advantage... ."
- "What the hell is she going to do when something serious happens? Stick out her tongue?"
Not particularly flattering to "the Clintons". Or to Hillary. But some of the comments go even further:
- "Hillary - ready to whine on day one."
- "... this is a cheap shot by Hillary. Weak as hell too... ."
- "The accusations coming out of Hillary's campaign today are tantamount to deliberate, bald-faced lies."
- "Will the Clintons please go away. This is becoming a national nightmare."
- "Clintons, go away. ...(I am beginning to think you [Hillary] are becoming unglued.)
- "The shrill, generally hypocritical memes that Clinton is injecting in the campaign at this point are very much an indictment of her fitness to be the Democratic nominee."
- "Some of us have had more than our fill of the blatant hypocrisy... ."
So. Hillary is a whiner, a liar, a nightmare, shrill, a cheap shot artist, unglued, unfit for the nomination, and, because she's the plagiarist, not Obama, a blatant hypocrite.
That's a lot of campaign fodder for John McCain.
Be careful what you say, Obamaniacs! Just in case you're stuck with Hillary as your nominee.
(This is all too reminiscent of the attacks by Jeff Merkley supporters on the "ethically-challenged" Steve Novick. And Novick could quite well get the Oregon Senate Democratic nomination.)
And what are Clinton supporters going to do if Obama wins? Clinton supporters make pretty much the same attacks on Obama and Obama supporters in comments on various blogs. Just a couple of examples:
"obama (sic) supporters are like bush supporters. there is no doubt in my mind that at least to the extent they appear on blogs, people who support obama (sic) are simply not people are just disgraceful."
"Obama is a chicken and he should be … he does not have the command of the subject matter that Hillary does and a debate is the best way to show that..."
As an aside, John McCain is pretty much using Hillary's talking points on Obama almost verbatim. Just who is giving who fodder?
Posted by: Stacy6 | February 21, 2008 at 07:28 AM
I found another pertinent link to share:
Lots of very slimy stuff coming from Hillary supporters.
Posted by: Stacy6 | February 21, 2008 at 11:31 AM
Perhaps you're right, Stacy.
There's a difference, however, between random comments found on random blogs and the typically informed remarks on a site like Blue Oregon. And then there's Chuck Currie, a man I generally admire. His attacks on Hillary are unfounded and most disappointing.
Mind you, I'm not a Hillary supporter. But the level of discourse in this campaign --particularly the attacks on "the Clintons"-- are beyond the pale.
Posted by: Terry | February 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM
The public have "short memories" and by the time the election comes around, they will be forgotten (and replaced by new partisan attacks)
The problem Hillary has is that she has always evoked strong negatives from many independents, while Obama doesn't. I was a Clinton supporter until I saw the debate before the SC Primary and the behaviour of Bill Clinton. Now I have "HOPE" for a better government.
Most polls are predicting a Demo victory only if Obama is the candidate. I find this hard to believe myself. What most of the pundits fail to recognize is the high negatives the GOP is saddles with thanks to GWB's mismanagement of the Presidency.
Posted by: Richard Watson | February 21, 2008 at 03:08 PM