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January 16, 2009


Here's something even more disturbing about both Duncan and Obama (The Military-Corporate Legacy of the New Secretary of Education):

Disturbing as well is the prominence of Duncan's belief in offering a key role in public education to the military. Chicago's school system is currently the most militarized in the country, boasting five military academies, nearly three dozen smaller Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps programs within existing high schools, and numerous middle school Junior ROTC programs. More troubling yet, the military academies he's started are nearly all located in low-income, minority neighborhoods. This merging of military training and education naturally raises concerns about whether such academies will be not just education centers, but recruitment centers as well.

So let's sum it all up: Duncan's style of management is top-down, corporate, and privatizing. It views teachers as expendable, unions as unnecessary, and students as customers. And it is militarized as well.

In December, U.S. News & World Report named Corbett HS the nation’s 96th best high school, calling it one of the nation’s “Gold Medal” schools because it ranked in the top 100. Corbett was also Oregon’s highest ranked school in USNWR's study and the state’s only gold medal winner.

Apparently, smaller districts such as Corbett are not large enough to be rated by GREAT Schools.

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