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January 18, 2009


Trudy rubber stamped all of Vickie's closure proposals without due diligence. Trudy introduced a boundary change, at the last minute during a very long board meeting, that significantly and adversely affected the attendance area for Roseway Heights. This resulted in reduced FTE for that school and furthered economic segregation in NE Portland. The boundary change and closures of Rose City Park that Trudy voted for also resulted in overcrowding at Fernwood (Cleary), Laurelhurst, Alameda, Rigler, and Scott. Laurelhurst will add portables next year for its incoming 8th graders because of overcrowding. Rigler and Scott have had to send their 8th graders to an "academy" at Madison because of overcrowding.

Her lack of due diligence has contributed to a huge mess for which our children are now paying a huge price. She will not have my vote. I sure hope someone with some character to stand up for our kids runs in her district.

I'm sure she's a nice lady but she's proven that she has done us wrong as a board member.

I hope someone steps up too, Marian, and challenges Trudy directly on some her policy votes. She represents Zone 6, which includes Mt. Tabor and portions of outer Southeast and Northeast.

Only new faces on the board can clean up the "huge mess for which our children are now paying a huge price."

"New faces" are unable to get the backing of CPPS, Stand for Children, the Oregonian, and other groups that ultimately, through endorsements and donations, end up picking the Board members. Anyone who wanted to mount a serious campaign in Zone 6 (or any other open zone) this year needed to have started two years ago, just to get some name recognition.

My point is that whoever may want to run for Zones 1, 2, 3, and 7 in 2011 had better start NOW!

Zarwen's right... the key is name recognition, which is most effectively acquired by purchase.

Anybody jumping in the race now better have either pre-existing name recognition and credibility, or a pile of cash -- at the very least enough to put three glossy mailers in the mailbox of every voter in Portland -- and enough free time to work 40-60 hours a week between now and the election.

For most people, a volunteer position on a governing body with an insufficient budget and almost no revenue-raising authority simply isn't worth the time and expense.

I agree that name recognition, endorsements and a early start are all important, but I disagree that a volunteer position on the school board is inherently an unattractive proposition.

Consider that when I ran in 2003, 22 candidates vied for the four available positions. And how many people applied for Dan Ryan's vacant seat? Wasn't it four? No, I think it was five.

The point is, someone, anyone, has to step up an challenge Trudy for the Zone 6 seat. Win or lose, it would send a message to the district and the board that complacency and the status quo and business as usual aren't good enough.

The transfer policy is a good place to start. But I don't need to tell that to you, Steve.

Doesn't Sue Hagmeier live in Zone 6? She's got name recognition. Somebody ought to contact her.

It is understandable that cash can make us independent. But what to do if one does not have cash? The one way is to receive the mortgage loans and commercial loan.

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