In many respects I consider Obama "Lincolnesque" in his politics, and I mean that in a good way. Just as Lincoln threaded a centrist path between the radical sentiments of Republican abolitionists and the reactionary venom of Democratic secessionists, Barack Obama has chosen, almost in emulation of Lincoln, centrist policies criticized by the both the left and the right.
Lincoln was a master politician, in a way that most would say redounded to the benefit of the country. One day Obama may be regarded as Lincoln's equal --a cautious politician keeping the best interests of his country foremost in mind.
However, although it's too early in his career to know, I fear, along with many other leftists, that Obama has placed politics, in the baser sense of the word, above sound policy.
Consider the pirates of Somalia.
In a thoughtful piece on Obama's reaction to the attempted hijacking of an American ship and the abduction of the ship's captain, Jeremy Scahill asks three key questions about the killing of the Somali pirates, the second of which concerns:
The immediate consequences have been clear. Somali pirates commandeered four more commercial ocean liners since the killings, and assaulted another American vessel as well. Call it what you will, but actions have consequences, many of them unintended.
Gunboat diplomacy invites karmic payback.
The phrase "political decision" is more intriguing. Scahill implies that the "decision" may have been prompted by criticism from the right that Obama is "weak on terror." What the Obama administration decides to do with the fourth pirate, now in U.S. custody, may be more revealing about the motives for Obama's decision. Will he be sent to Guantanamo? Bagram? Or will he be tried openly in criminal court?
That decision may tell us more about the nature of Obama's "Lincolnesque" political strategies.
Let me be clear that I reserve judgment. Like Lincoln, who seldom spoke in open reaction to his critics, Obama may well be working behind the scenes to ensure his policies succeed.
We'll see.
I loved your first two paragraphs.
But since when is rescuing an American citizen from kidnappers "gunboat diplomacy?"
And kidnapping is not "karmic"; it's criminal.
Posted by: Craig | April 16, 2009 at 09:34 PM
Oy. If Obama is "Lincolnesque", then Lincoln's record needs to be more carefully critiqued.
The hypocrisy necessary for cheerleaders for U.S. kidnapping (rendition, Bagram, etc.) to point fingers at Somalis requires no comment. When we stop committing our crimes, we will have a right to criticize others. (Of course, the Golden Rule is an extremist ideology, isn't it?)
Posted by: Harry Kershner | April 17, 2009 at 02:39 PM
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