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« Worth reading: Albert Einstein on socialism, 1949 | Main | 'Tough love' for Obama »

May 28, 2009


The "they-hate-our-freedoms-crowd", including Cheney, are not presently in power, are they?

Only when the so-called "anti-war-crowd" is sufficiently impressed to end their religious devotion to the new dear leader will we be able to move forward on this issue (as well as on a sane health care policy, fundamental economic restructuring, etc.).

Those of us in the center (not the left, which does not exist in America) have been arguing for many years with the elites of both hegemonist parties that their policy choices re Israel endanger us more than any other matter. All politicians who give unqualified support for Israeli crimes should be removed from office. (Yes, I'm aware that's almost all of them.)

"The people’s good will toward Obama and the expectations they had for him were sufficient for Obama to end the gratuitous wars and enact major reforms. But Obama has deserted the people for the interests. He is relying on his non-threatening demeanor and rhetoric to convince the people that change is underway.
"The change that we are witnessing is in Obama, not in policies. Obama is morphing into Dick Cheney."
(Watching Obama Morph Into Dick Cheney)

Hi Olso, I am the managing editor of a I would love for you to become a member. I have a similar post to yours.

Rich Rubino

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