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« The sins of Barack Obama: Health care | Main | Lots of Dems, little progress »

May 22, 2009


Re: "Constitutionally speaking, how is that any different than the Bush administration soliciting legal opinions to justify torture, which Obama seems disinclined to investigate, let alone prosecute, even though torture is clearly a crime both domestically and internationally?"

Of course it's no different, and He is no different. (As Matt Taibbi sagely predicted before the election, he has become "the same old deal dressed up in black skin and a natty suit".)

Obama knows quite well that he is already guilty of the crimes that leftish Democrats seem fixated on vis-a-vis Bush/Cheney. Isn't it time to stop complaining about the last administration and instead to start calling for impeachment of the present torturer-in-chief?

"Small wonder that the President advises us to look forward, not backward -- a convenient doctrine for those who hold the clubs. Those who are beaten by them tend to see the world differently, much to our annoyance...Historical amnesia is a dangerous phenomenon, not only because it undermines moral and intellectual integrity, but also because it lays the
groundwork for crimes that lie ahead." (The Torture Memos)

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