That doesn't matter to Republicans who call any business tax increase a "job killer." Or to Democrats like Mark Hass who howled that the tax increases should be temporary.
Temporary? That simply means that in short time, the regressive Oregon tax code would revert to this:
It wasn't that long ago that the income tax, Oregon's primary revenue source, was split about evenly between businesses and individuals.
And remember this: poor Oregonians pay a higher share of their income in total taxes than the richest Oregonians. That's the very definition of a regressive tax code.
When the anti-taxers fume about an overhaul of Oregon's system of taxation, what they're really talking about is making the system even more regressive than it already is. Tax reform to them means a sales tax --the most regressive of taxes-- and a cut in the income tax --the most progressive of taxes, especially if it's done right.
The legislature's move to raise the marginal tax rate on couples making more than $250,000 was a step in the right direction, a step toward tax fairness.
The mantra of the anti-taxers, like Russ Walker's FreedomWorks Oregon, is this:
"Only by reducing taxes and regulations, and making Oregon a more business-friendly state can we achieve the goal of real economic growth, and real prosperity for Oregonians."
"Only by reducing taxes... ." That worked well under Reagan and Dubya, right? Well, maybe not so much. Here's a comment from a recent Blue Oregon post on taxes in Oregon:
"Yes, cutting taxes always results in drops in unemployment. I mean, look at 1982, after the Reagan tax cuts of 1981. The national unemployment fell from 7.6% to 9.7%.
"And look at 2002 after the Bush tax cuts of 2001, then the unemployment rate fell from 4.7% to 5.8%.
"All I can say is, God save us from any similar drops in unemployment."
It's nice to have those stats at your finger tips. But then again, all you have to do is read the newspaper to realize how disastrous Republican tax and economic policies have been.
And then there's the O's Susan Nielsen throwing fuel on the anti-tax fire that still burns hot in Oregon. Here are some comments from her latest column:
"Democrats also are pushing their luck on taxes."
"They open Democrats to criticism that they're too eager to confiscate people's earnings. They also make the Democratic party (not to mention the state itself) less attractive to doctors, lawyers, potential business recruits and other professionals who are already worried about higher federal taxes -- and who get wet whenever anyone decides to 'soak the rich.' "
I probably don't need to remind you that Nielsen is on the editorial board of Oregon's largest daily newspaper. Her Sunday column certainly found favor with the rabid right.
Just read the comments.
I've been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!
Posted by: ga | October 14, 2010 at 08:13 PM