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« Health care on 'The Stump': It's single payer, stupid! | Main | Cutting through the crap on health care reform »

June 23, 2009


"Medical hiatus"? Hope you're okay, Terry. And I hope you have decent insurance.

As for Obama's "'unwillingness to lead' on the issue of single payer health care", I disagree. He's leading all right. As with torture, war mongering, and civil rights, he's leading to the right.

Progressives need to stop following him.

Terry, hope you're OK.

Hope you are well.

Hope you get some good rest, Terry. See ya when you get back.

Terry, I need to talk to you. Love Craig

Terry, hope you are doing ok. I look to see if you have posted...but not yet. Missing your insightful blogs. Be well.

But the matter started to become complicated when the Democratic Party lost its Senate seat in Massachusetts to Republicans losing its 60th vote which gave it an advantage over the Republicans.

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